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How would you like
to search for a museum pass?

Johnson Public Library's museum passes are only available for Hackensack residents. The borrower must hold a valid Adult Johnson Public Library card without fines or overdue materials, and be 18 years of age or older. Courtesy cards are not accepted. Each borrower has the pass for 3 days: the day of checkout (reservation day), the next day and the day the pass is due.

Check out and return your passes at the library's Reference Desk ONLY.

For all the details on the program, please visit: johnsonlib.org/about-us/at-the-library/museum-passes/

The Friends of the Johnson Public Library have generously donated museum passes for use by Hackensack Residents residents. These passes are entirely funded by the Friends, an independent 501(c)(3) organization whose primary purpose is to support the Johnson Public Library.